Deploying Cisco Service Provider Advanced Network Routing (SPADVROUTE) - INFOR ELEA

Deploying Cisco Service Provider Advanced Network Routing (SPADVROUTE)

Corsi su richiesta modalità interaziendale e/o personalizzata. Configure the service provider network to support multiple BGP connections with customers and other autonomous systems Describe common routing and addressing scalability issues in the service provider network SE TI ISCRIVI ENTRO APRILE HAI UNO SCONTO DEL 20%

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16 March 2020
5 gg


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Torino - Corso Unione 612/15/c   View map

Deploying Cisco Service Provider Advanced Network Routing (SPADVROUTE) v1.2 is a course that provides network engineers and technicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement and support a service provider network.

The course focuses on using Cisco routers that are typically found in the service provider network and on various technologies that are used to offer different services to customers. Upon completing this course learners will be able to configure, verify, and troubleshoot advanced BGP configuration, IP multicasting, and IPv6 transition mechanisms.

The course also includes classroom activities with remote labs that are useful to gain practical skills on deploying Cisco IOS/IOS XE and Cisco IOS XR features to operate and support service provider network.



Configure the service provider network to support multiple BGP connections with customers and other autonomous systems

Describe common routing and addressing scalability issues in the service provider network

Describe available BGP tools and features to secure and optimize the BGP routing protocol in a service provider environment

Introduce IP multicast services and the technologies that are present in IP multicasting

Introduce PIM-SM as the most current scalable IP multicast routing protocol

Describe service provider IPv6 transition implementations



All’interno di ogni modulo vi sono dei momenti di autovalutazione non vincolati che consentono all’utente di interagire con l’animazione verificando l’apprendimento dei concetti presentati. Il corso viene considerato concluso una volta fruiti tutti i contenuti.



This course is intended for network designers and IT project managers.



This course is primarily intended for network administrators, network engineers, and relational database managers



Attestato di frequenza


Corsi su richiesta modalità interaziendale e/o personalizzata

Per le edizioni schedulate nei mesi successivi contattare la sede di competenza>
Il corso può essere erogato anche in modalità “ONE to ONE”.
Il corso è erogabile su altre sedi su richiesta.
Il costo del corso è finanziabile con i Fondi Interprofessionali.